Monday, 11 September 2017

These Manhood Memoirs are a collection of stories from the eyes of a boy becoming a man, conflicting within himself as to whom he should become.

He shows us a glimpse but never the beginning or the end.
Currently an outcast in the school he attends - he feels he is a prince, true royalty - his presence is bright when he walks, everywhere except a crowd.

He understands we are all human, but his ego is in his essence. The females can feel it inately but he rarely flirts.

No true friends as of yet, but he most definitely the coolest cat in college. lol

The social aspect is new and entertaining, but most seem so young - it can feel lonely here, although he never feels alone. 

Hazel eyes see the bigger picture, always focused on tomorrow and forever. He wants to be a king, he wants to rule his kingdom, he is eager to change the world. Perhaps he cares too much, maybe he should work towards serenity for him and his family.

But that would be so boring!

You must understand, he bares acres of wisdom and truly wishes to feel and spread love - a true angel who resides in a world of fuckery.

For now he wants money, he wants paper to write, he wants music to feel, he needs someone to love completely 
Only flashes of genius or innocence make him happy.

He probbably also would like someone to make him laugh 

The End until next time, this time was very early, very young indeed.